Faculty Resources
CAP21 Faculty Resources
Thank you for your willingness to present at the CAP21 Annual Meeting. If your course is planned as a virtual course, an in person course, or hybrid (both), the information below will assist in your preparations.
Hybrid CAP21 Annual Meeting
Courses will be offered both to an in person and virtual audience. An email has been sent to you to confirm your course format. If your course will be presented both in person and virtual, slides submitted must match those used in the recording as well as at the in person course presentation.
In Person Courses
CAP21 will be held at the Hyatt Regency Chicago Hotel in Chicago, Illinois. Faculty presenting in person will receive their reimbursement guidelines and instructions on registering for the annual meeting and making travel arrangements in June.
If you have any special room set up or additional AV needs for your course, please send no later than May 14, 2021 to Lisa Brown at Lbrown@cap.org.June
Virtual Courses
Virtual courses will be prerecorded and then played back during the Annual Meeting. Faculty are expected to be available virtually for the question and answer sessions. The details and log in information will be sent at a later date.
- Sign up for a prerecording session here. Your presentation should be final prior to prerecording. All faculty for the course should be available to prerecord together unless other arrangements have been made.
- Recording tips
Required Course Materials
Course Materials Submission Instructions
- Use the CAP21 template. CAP staff are available to assist if needed.
- Upload your materials to Dropbox
Faculty Photo and Biography Submission
Your photo and brief biography will be used to market and promote your CAP21 course. Review the guidelines to create a brief biography.
- Biography Guidelines
- Supply a professional headshot: recommended image size is 8×10, 300 ppi. JPEG format is preferred.
- Submit both your photo and biography here
Informatics Resources
Learn how to incorporate informatics content into your CAP21 presentation.
Contact Information
Send questions and comments to
Lisa Brown at lbrown@cap.org or
800-323-4040 ext. 7378.